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3 Comments to “ How White Supremacy Killed Actor Michael K Williams”

  1. Charlotte Carter says :Reply

    THANK YOU Mr.Garnes for this article. I always saw Mr. Wlliams’ pain in his brillant performancs. Not knowing his story, I gravitated to his work as a human being without any tags. Then again maybe I did feel a kinsmanship to this beautiful black skin man like my Dad, a black skin man in a yellow skin family. He too suffered for his skin color and was a loner, but a perfectionist to placate his pain. They say charity begans at home so let’s as African Americans who do not mind being called Black by identification as long as our skin is not black, stop being prejudice toward our black skin family members and our neighbors. Mr. William should have had all this adulation, editorials and love shown to him while he was living. I never through social media thought to congratulated him. No excuses! I should have given him his roses while he was living. Also, let’s celebrate the whole person. As Dr. King said “judged not by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character”.

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